Captcha Settings

You can display captcha, which is an important item for security, with the following settings. Captcha is an important security item, especially to prevent attacks such as brute force.

  • Show Captcha on Login Page.

  • Show Captcha on the Password Reset page.

  • Show Captcha on Unlock page.

  • Show Captcha the second Email login page.

Show Captcha On

Another option to set the conditions under which Captcha will be displayed is when it will be displayed. Choose one of the 2 options below.

With the setting "Show after 3 incorrect entries in a row", the captcha display is ensured when the correct entry is made after 3 incorrect attempts.

Continuous display of captcha, regardless of incorrect input, can be set with the Always Show option.

Validity Period

The validity period of the captcha displayed on the screen is determined by the validity period. If the captcha is not entered within this period, it must be refreshed and a new captcha must be entered because it has expired. Value is between 1 and 5 minutes.

Last updated