
Transactions made through ARKSSPR are recorded in the database. All reports can be filtered according to the data they contain. Additionally, the generated report can be exported in PDF, XLS and DOC formats. If E-Mail settings have been made, the reports produced can be exported in PDF format and sent to the desired e-mail address.

The reports that can be received within the ARKSSPR are as follows.

Login Report

ARKSSPR login procedures are shown. The logged in user, domain, 2FA method and transaction date can be reported.

Password Change

It is used for password change operations made via ARKSSPR.

Password Reset

It is used for password reset operations made via ARKSSPR.

Unlock Account

It is used to unlock accounts via ARKSSPR.

General SSPR Report

It is a detailed report that shows all activities carried out on ARKSSPR.

Last updated